The Science of Cold Brew
So how does it all start?

It all starts with the most sophisticated artisanal roasting by the Masters, Hogan Brothers Micro Roasters, (Circa 1996).
They have been setting the standards not only in the innovation of novel roasting techniques but also by hand delivering coffee to their customers within 48 hours of roasting.
These brothers and their roasting team have over 100 combined years of experience. They have done some pretty amazing things, most notably, having created customer focused varietals and proprietary coffee creations which have withstood the test of time.
The Beans

All of our beans are ethically sourced from Organic, Fair Trade and Rain Forest Alliance compliant farms from around the globe. Only the highest quality candidates are chosen after our team and our customers have given them a unanimous thumbs up.
The Process

First a few words about all of the wonderful allies who are participating in our endeavor. Our vendors, farm owners around the world and our business partners have all been in business for dozens of years and we depend on them as they do on us. Our relationships with the coffee farmers are the critical link between our past and our future in the global coffee supply chain. The past and the future are inextricably linked. When consumers choose to buy our coffees, they are supporting the entire specialty coffee industry and that encourages us all to do what we do. And that, my friends, is to bring you the best coffee on the planet.
Our Vendors, Farm Owners and Partners have all been in business for dozens of years and we have come to depend on them as they depend on us.
We use only the best quality, ethically sourced Organic, Fair Trade and when possible Rain Forest Alliance coffees from around the globe.

We use both conventional and innovative brewing methods that involve: Grinding our just roasted artisanal coffees to the precise cold brew grind which best facilitates the precise extraction protocol for the particular coffee. We then create the specific brewing recipe while taking into account each of the variables effecting quality and taste, (brew temperature, soak time, extraction percentage and total dissolved solids, just to name a few).
We then commence the brewing process. The brewing begins and typically takes anywhere from 18 to 24 or more hours depending on the coffee. Brewing is monitored at intervals throughout the process.
Test are periodically performed which measure temperature, turbulence, viscosity, taste, extraction progression and dissolved solids. All results are compared to protocols and adjustments, if any, are made to hit target metrics for brewing. All of our products are free of additives, preservatives and artificial ingredients.
Watch for our section on how you can use our coffees to make your own Cold Brew Coffee Science Cold Brew Coffee in your own kitchen.
Visit us later to learn about our Reverse Atmospheric Brewing. It’ll blow your mind.